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Oscar Wallford Sandberg

Født 1886
Bruger bijoh-2019

Ægteskab - Partner




Iowa, USA


US census

Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa, USA

United States Census, 1900 for Oscar V Sandberg
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About this collection
name: Oscar V Sandberg
residence: West Burlington town, Des Moines, Iowa
birth date: Sep 1886
birthplace: Iowa
relationship to head-of-household: Son
spouse name:
spouse titles:
spouse birth place:
father name: Alfred Sandberg
father titles:
father birthplace: Sweden
mother name: Anna E Sandberg
mother titles:
mother birthplace: Sweden
race or color (expanded): White
head-of-household name: Alfred Sandberg
gender: Male
marital status: Single
years married:
estimated marriage year:
mother how many children:
number living children:
immigration year:
enumeration district: 0019
sheet number and letter: 5A
household id: 95
reference number: 16
gsu film number: 1240429
image number: 00570
Household Gender Age
parent Alfred Sandberg M
parent Anna E Sandberg F
Anna A Sandberg F
Oscar V Sandberg M
Lulu M Sandberg F


US census

Iowa, USA

United States Census, 1910 for Oscar Sundberg
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About this collection
name: Oscar Sundberg
birthplace: Iowa
relationship to head of household: Son
residence: Centerville Ward 3, Appanoose, Iowa
marital status: Single
race : White
gender: Male
immigration year:
father's birthplace: Sweden
mother's birthplace: Sweden
family number: 454
page number: 22
Household Gender Age
parent Alfred Sundberg M 43y
parent Emily Sundberg F 43y
Warner Sundberg M 15y
Oscar Sundberg M 13y
Albert Sundberg M 11y
Emil Sundberg M 9y
Bertha Sundberg F 7y
Alfred Sundberg M 4y


30 Nov


Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Iowa Marriages, 1809-1992 for Oscar W. Sandberg
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About this collection
groom's name: Oscar W. Sandberg
groom's birth date: 1886
groom's birthplace: West Burlington
groom's age: 30
bride's name: Charlotte Barbara Baner
bride's birth date: 1892
bride's birthplace: Burlington
bride's age: 24
marriage date: 30 Nov 1916
marriage place: Burlington
groom's father's name: John Alfr. Sandberg
groom's mother's name: Anna L. Mord
bride's father's name: Fred Baner
bride's mother's name: Barbara Hoerntlein
groom's race: White
groom's marital status: Single
groom's previous wife's name:
bride's race: White
bride's marital status: Single
bride's previous husband's name:
indexing project (batch) number: M02679-2
system origin: Iowa-EASy
source film number: 1547822
reference number:


30 Nov


Charlotte Barbara Bauer
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Iowa Marriages, 1809-1992 for Oscar Wallford Sandberg
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About this collection
groom's name: Oscar Wallford Sandberg
groom's birth date: 1886
groom's birthplace: West Burlington
groom's age: 30
bride's name: Charlotte Barbara Bauer
bride's birth date: 1892
bride's birthplace: Burlington
bride's age: 24
marriage date: 30 Nov 1916
marriage place: Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
groom's father's name: John Alfr. Sandberg
groom's mother's name: Anna L. Ward
bride's father's name: Fred Bauer
bride's mother's name: Barbara Hoerntlein
groom's race: White
groom's marital status: Single
groom's previous wife's name:
bride's race: White
bride's marital status: Single
bride's previous husband's name:
indexing project (batch) number: M02689-1
system origin: Iowa-EASy
source film number: 1682869
reference number: #4628
