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Jørgen Pedersen Hegelund

Født 15 Okt 1583
Bruger crt

Ægteskab - Partner




15 Okt


Ribe, Ribe county, Jylland, Danmark

Jørgen Pedersen Hegelund took his matriculation at København University in 1604 and at Wittenberg in 1605, where got his magistergraden in 1607. Rector in Kolding in 1608, later in Ribe from February 9, 1610.nbspHe was parish priest for Møgeltønder just to the west of the city of Tønder in south-western Jylland from 1614 until his death in 1653; where he was the successor of Laurids Thomsen, who had been burned at the stake, and whose wife and daughter were beheaded, on March 23, 1614 for incest, utugt and drunkeness.nbspJørgen Hegelund and Marine Kjeldsdatter had 10 children. At his death he was described as brav og lærd good and learned.nbspThis database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Oct. 19, 2011.



Møgeltønder, Duchy of Schleswig Danmark
